
How to Configure Users and Groups in OS X Mavericks Server App 3.X


Configuring users and groups in the Server app is a very simple process, but before configuring these settings the Server app must be installed and Open Directory set up. If you're ready to start adding users and groups continue at step 1.


EditAdd Users

  1. Open the Server app. Click on icon from LaunchPad.

  2. Click on in the left pane and click the button to add your first user.

  3. Enter user information.

    • Enter full name of user.

    • Enter account name. This is the short version of the username.

    • Enter email address if applicable.

    • Enter password. If you would like a random password click on the button that has a picture of a on it and it will aid you with creating a password. Then verify password.

    • Choose whether you want the user to be able to administer the server.

    • Choose location. This can be locally on each machine, can be located on the server via File Sharing, or the account can only access services.

    • Choose if you want to limit disk usage for the user then enter size and either MB or GB.

    • Enter any key words that you would like to use for searching for the user.

    • Add any notes desired.

    • Click to finish creating the user.

    • Repeat this step for every user you wish to add.

  4. Edit additional user options by clicking on the gear wheel icon with the desire user highlighted.

    • will allow you to disable log in privileges, add and remove group association, and edit other information.

    • allows you to change which services the user has access to. If you many users, it is suggested that you apply the restrictions to a group instead and add the user to that group.

    • allows you to determine where the mail is stored and to limit the amount of space allowed. This is only relevant if you are using a mail server.

    • allows you to reset a users password without having to know what the original was then require the user to change the password next time they log in.

    • allows you to create a template from the user you just created. This is very useful if you have a lot of users to add.

    • allows you to edit any templates that you have created.

    • allows you to specify the requirements for user passwords.

EditAdd Groups

  1. Click on in the left pane and click the button to add the first group.

  2. Enter the desired and .Then click to finish the process.

  3. Add Users to group. Highlight the recently created group and click on the button with a gear wheel on it and choose or double click the group.

    • Under members click the button and start typing usernames to add to the group.

    • Click when done editing.

  4. Edit additional options for a group by highlighting and click on the button with the gear wheel on it.

    • allows you to edit group membership and other settings.

    • allows you to edit what services members of a group can access.

    • allows you to create a template from the highlighted group making it easier to create future groups.

    • allows you to edit the settings of previously created groups.

  5. Repeat steps as necessary.


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