
How to Improve Your Decision Making Skills

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Three Parts:Using Rational ThinkingEvaluating Your OptionsFinding Support and AdviceCommunity Q&A

You make decisions everyday about your work, school, life, and your future. It may seem overwhelming at times, having so many different responsibilities. Learn to make decisions thoughtfully by gathering the needed information, giving yourself time to think, and evaluating the situation long-term. Each decision may have costs and benefits. By improving your decision making skills, you can feel more prepared for problems because you have already anticipated them. By finding support, you will likely feel more relaxed about your decisions.

Part 1

Using Rational Thinking
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    Gather information about the situation.

    Understand the factors involved in the problem or situation. Talk with the involved parties or research what additional information you may need to make an informed decision. Avoid making a decision based on limited information.

    • Critically think about what is the important information needed to make a decision. Prioritize the most important pieces of information first. For example, let's say you're planning for what to do after high school. Think about your interests, school performance, finances, and family which may all factor into your decision.
    • Take some time to gather the information, rather than basing your decision on too-little information.
    • Avoid getting bogged down by information. Don't focus only on the information gathering phase, and get stuck there. Once you've gathered the available information, continue moving forward with your decision-making process.

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    Avoid making impulsive or emotionally-charged decisions.

    If you're too emotionally invested in the issue, your judgment may be clouded. Avoid acting impulsively, and instead use careful, rational thinking. Focus on the facts of the situation rather than your ego, personality differences, or impulsive desires.

    • Making decisions when anxious, stressed, or upset will likely lead to poorer outcomes.[3]
    • Learn to take a step back when you know you may be acting out of emotion. Avoid being pressured into making a decision. Learn to say to others, "I want to make sure that I am making an informed decision. I need to take a step back and think about this more clearly."

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    Give yourself time to thoughtfully make a decision.

    Oftentimes, you may feel rushed to make decisions. Sometimes those are big decisions that require more thought and careful examination. Don't feel obligated to make a decision before you're ready.

    • For example, let's say that your friends invite you for an overnight backpacking trip this weekend, but you had made plans to help your family with some important housework and still have school work to finish. Make sure to give yourself time to reflect on your other responsibilities before you say "yes."
    • Depending on the situation, it is usually good to give yourself at least a few hours or more to make decisions that could affect your day or week. But if the decision affects your long term plans, a few days or more will give you more time to process the situation.

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    Look at the situation in both the short-term and long-term.

    Oftentimes, you may be so focused on the short-term problems that you don't look at the situation from a long-term perspective. Being short-sighted will likely have a negative impact in the long-run.

    • For example, let's say you just got paid. You want to go out and have fun with your friends, but at the same time you want to be able to save for a future car. You think about how much fun it would be to party and go to a concert, but then you realize that you can't afford to party each weekend and save at the same time.
    • Consider the possible risks of failing to think long-term. You may not be able to afford a car when you need one, or you may be faced with unexpected expenses and not have the money to pay for them.[4]

Part 2

Evaluating Your Options
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    Weigh the costs and benefits of the situation.

    For each decision that you make, whether you're buying an item at a store, planning your career, or making life decisions, it's important to assess the costs and benefits of each. By weighing the pros and cons of the situation, you are likely to feel more in control of your decisions.

    • See how your decision may impact you financially, professionally, emotionally, or physically.
    • For example, you like to shop regularly for new clothes because it makes you feel good, but your weekly shopping trips are costing you a third of your income. Look at the financial costs and the personal benefits of regular shopping trips for new clothes.
    • For big decisions, you may want to write down the pros and cons of the decision. For example, let's say that you are thinking about changing careers, this may require more work and time to assess your decision.

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    Focus on the high priorities first.

    When making a decision, consider ranking your priorities from high to low. Understand what matters to you most in this situation. Consider putting your responsibilities such as having an income or keeping your grades up as high priorities, while maintaining a balance by having time with friends and family.

    • For example, let's say you're trying to decide whether to attend a close relative's birthday party, but you know that a big project is due on Monday. You had made plans to go to the party, but feel like you might not get your work done if you go.
    • Learn to prioritize what can help you in the long term. If you fail to complete your project, you may face a lower grade or fail the class. Think about if this outweighs the benefits of holding on to your plans to go to a birthday party.

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    Consider alternatives.

    Think about how there are likely alternatives in each situation. You may think the only option is one way or the other, and that's all. Avoid black and white thinking by understanding all the alternatives, including ways to compromise.

    • Consider how each situation could have many different alternatives. Imagine that there is a Plan A, B, and C. While some plans seem more likely than others, it's important to carefully think about each option.
    • For example, you want to trying to decide whether to buy a new car. You have your sights set on a specific make and model. But then you're concerned about how to afford it. Instead of just deciding between your current car or the one that you want, consider alternatives like buying a different type of car that may be lower priced, or a car that better fits the needs of your family. If your current car works, you could also consider saving up for the car you want, rather than taking out a loan.

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    Plan for the possibility of errors or problems.

    Have a contingency plan in place so that you are not taken by surprise. Being prepared for the possible problems or issues that could arise will make you less stressed. While problems may not occur, it's better to anticipate them rather than ignore them.

    • Planning ahead is a key part of better decision making. You can feel more confident when things don't go as planned.
    • Plan for a "worst case scenario" about a situation. For example, you're considering a trip this winter, and planning to book your flight. When planning out your trip, have a plan in place about what might happen if you miss your flight, the flight is severely delayed, or the trip is cancelled. By thinking ahead, you are less likely to be frustrated in the middle of a problem.

Part 3

Finding Support and Advice
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    Learn to delegate tasks and boost others' decision-making skills.

    Avoid feeling that you are the only one responsible for a decision, particularly at work, in your family household, or in a team setting. Many decisions are made with input from more than one person. Help others to feel more confident in their decision-making in order to ease the pressure that you may be feeling.

    • Some decisions impact more than just you. In those cases, it's important to have a variety of people's input.
    • Make sure that others feel included in the decision-making process. Consider assigning people to various tasks that can help to gather information or plan ahead for problems. By utilizing others, this may help to enhance your decision-making.
    • Whether you're a manager at work, a parent, or a leader for a group project, it's important to help others find their confidence so that better decisions are made. Make sure to get other people's input when making a big decision on a project.

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    Talk with trusted friends, family, or experts on the matter.

    Ask others who you have trusted in the past. Consider also seeking out experts or people who can provide clarification on a tricky situation. Avoid overlooking the wisdom of others who have been through similar situations, or may be clear-headed in their thinking.

    • If you have been struggling to make a decision, talk with your trusted friends and family. Pick people who have offered sound and helpful advice in the past. Even if they are saying what you don't want to hear, think carefully about the pros and cons of what they say.
    • Depending on the decision you're making, it may be necessary to seek expert advice, particularly if it is a major financial decision, a medical issue, or a legal matter. Find professionals that can give you an unbiased opinion on the situation.

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    Distance yourself from the situation if needed.

    If you are continuing to feel overwhelmed or burdened by the decisions at hand, find ways to distance yourself. It is important that you take care of your mind and body, particularly during stressful situations.

    • Get some rest. Consider taking a day off, or a few hours break, from work, school, or family. Find a place where you can clear your thoughts and feel comfortable.
    • Do an activity that you enjoy that helps to distract you from the challenges ahead. Exercise. Watch a movie. Read a book. Hang out with friends. Do something relaxing.
    • Come back to the issue after a brief break. See if your mind is clearer. By supporting yourself, both mind and body, you will feel more prepared to face tough decisions.

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