
How to Do a Back Palm Vanish


Do you want to know a simple and easy way to make a playing card disappear? Or perhaps you've already seen this trick and want to know how to do it yourself. Either way, the basic steps for this trick are all outlined below.


  1. Hold the card in your hand, in between your thumb and fingertips.

  2. With your outer fingers (index and pinkie), reach around and grip the sides of the card. At the same time, start folding your middle and ring fingers straight down. (The bottom picture shows how the back of your hand will look while doing this.)

  3. Still gripping the card with your outer fingers, keep folding the middle two down far enough so they stick out beneath the card.

  4. Straighten out your two middle fingers, pivoting the card so that it flips over onto the back of your hand. This is the tricky part. As you do this, bring your outer fingers together towards your middle fingers, bending the card into an arc.

  5. Straighten out your fingers and close them together all the way. If you do it right, the corners of the card will be trapped in between your fingers, but not enough to be easily seen. This takes practice and precision, so don't be frustrated if it takes some time to master.

    • As you can see in the image, the card is flipped onto the back of your hand. Not letting your audience see the back of your hand is key; try doing the move in front of a mirror so you can see at what angles you can move your hand without revealing the card.

  6. Make the card 'reappear' by simply reversing the process. Relax your hand, bending your fingers forward slightly. Start pulling your middle fingers back behind the card, pivoting it forward and pushing it into the starting position.

  7. Reach up and grab the card with your thumb. When the card is once again between your fingers and thumb, be sure to release the grip your outer fingers have on the card's edges so the hold looks natural.



  • Go slow in the beginning and let your hands get used to the feel of gripping the card. When you think you're comfortable with the movements, try doing them faster and faster until you can vanish the card in a half second or less.

  • You can also do this trick with other small pieces of paper, like business cards or dollar bills folded in half crosswise.

  • If you like, wave your hand up and down when the card is hidden. The movement helps hide any corners that might be peeking through your fingers, and helps add to the 'magical' feeling.

  • At first, your hands will feel clumsy, and the card might feel really stiff. Just practice and let your hands get used to bending the card, and pretty soon you won't feel the card's inflexibility.

  • Try moving the card around in your hand and flipping it at different angles; people's hands are all build differently, so find the positioning that works best for you.

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