
How to Clean Eggs


If you have freshly laid eggs, many of them will be dirty - with mud, feathers and chicken poop stuck to their shells. Chickens aren't the cleanest animals in the world, as you may have noticed already. Here are some ways to clean those eggs, along with some tips for preventing them from becoming dirty in the first place!


EditDry Cleaning Eggs

  1. Inspect your eggs. If an eggshell has any cracks or breaks, you should discard the egg immediately. If the shell has cracked, bacteria may have entered the egg and it will be unsafe to eat. If the shell is already clean, consider leaving it alone. There are many egg enthusiasts out there who don't believe in cleaning eggs at all. They consider it to be unnecessary, or even harmful, as cleaning eggs can remove their natural protective coating - called "bloom" - which prevents harmful bacteria from entering the egg.

    • Of course, this only goes for eggs that are clean to begin with. If the eggs have any dirt, feathers, or hen droppings attached to them, it is more hygienic to clean the egg.

    • This is especially true if you plan on giving your eggs to friends and family or selling the eggs, as people who are used to store-bought eggs may be squeamish about dirty eggs.[1]

  2. Dry clean the eggs with a sanding sponge or a loofah. Most dirt can be removed using a sanding sponge or a loofah. All you need to do is gently rub the egg with the sponge or sandpaper until the dirt comes away. Be careful not to crack the egg as you clean.

    • Try not to rub the areas that are already clean, this will keep as much of the bloom intact as possible.

    • Other items you can use to dry clean the egg include fine-grit sandpaper, steel wool, emery cloth or a toothbrush.[2]

    • If you use a sponge or brush to clean the eggs, it is a good idea to sanitize them between uses. This prevents bacteria being transferred from one batch of eggs to the next.

EditWashing and Sanitizing Eggs

  1. Decide whether you want to wash and sanitize your eggs. Sometimes it will be necessary to wash your eggs in water if you can't remove all of the dirt with dry cleaning alone. This is often the case when the contents of a cracked egg become stuck to another egg's shell. But aside from necessity, some people just prefer the idea of clean eggs.

    • Be aware that washing the eggs in water will remove the "bloom" from the shell. This makes the porous eggshell more susceptible to drawing in bacteria, thus decreasing the egg's shelf life.

    • However, dirty, unwashed eggs can also be a health hazard, and if you plan on using the eggs quickly and follow the correct storage procedures, the removal of the bloom will make little difference.[3]

    • If you plan on selling your eggs, you will need to comply with your state's regulations regarding the proper cleaning and safety procedures for farm-fresh eggs.

  2. Fill two bowls with warm/hot water. To one of the bowls, add a little cleaning agent, such as an unscented dishwasher or laundry detergent or a specific egg cleaning product. To the other bowl, add a small amount of bleach - about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon should do the trick.

    • Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from becoming irritated by either the detergent or bleach.

    • If you don't like the idea of using detergent, you can simply rinse the eggs in plain water instead. If you are not comfortable using bleach, make an alternative sanitizer from one part water and one part distilled white vinegar.[4]

  3. Make sure the water you use is warmer than the egg itself. The temperature of the water you use to clean your eggs it very important.

    • Cold water is a major no-no. If you use cold water to wash your eggs, it will cause the contents of the eggs to contract, creating a vacuum which pulls bacteria into the egg. This contaminates the egg.

    • The ideal temperature for washing your eggs is at least 20°F (11°C) warmer than the egg itself. Therefore, depending on the freshness of the egg, water temperatures should usually be between 90 - 120°F (32.2 - 49°C).

    • The warm water causes the contents of the egg to expand, thus pushing microbes out of the shell.[4]

  4. Clean each egg individually. One at a time, dip each egg into the water with the cleaning agent and use your fingers to clean off any hardened dirt. If necessary, use a small scrub brush.

    • Rinse the egg in hot water to clean off any detergent, then dip the egg in the bleach (or vinegar) solution to sanitize. Set the egg on a piece of clean paper towel to dry.

    • Repeat the process with the remaining eggs. If you're washing more than three dozen eggs, it will be necessary to refresh the bowls of water.

    • It is important that you only dip the eggs in the warm water, rather than leaving them to sit or soak. Otherwise, they may start to cook![5]

  5. Store the eggs. Once the eggs have been washed, sanitized and dried, you will need to store them correctly. Place eggs in a clean carton or flat, with the narrow end pointing downwards. Date stamp the carton or use color coded stickers for easy identification.

    • Eggs should be stored in the main part of the refrigerator, at temperatures between 35°F to 40°F. They should not be stored on a shelf in the door, as this part of the refrigerator is warmer.

    • Don't store eggs beside odorous foods such as onions, garlic or fish, as the eggs can absorb these odors, thus affecting their flavor.

    • If stored correctly, eggs can stay fresh for more than three weeks.[6]

EditPreventing Dirty Eggs

  1. Collect your eggs twice a day. The longer eggs are left in the nest box, the more chance they have of becoming dirty. To avoid this, make an effort to collect your fresh eggs at least twice a day, and three times if necessary.[4]

  2. Allow one nest box for every four hens. Overcrowding of nest boxes is another factor which contributes to dirty eggs. You should supple one nest box for every four egg-laying hens.[5]

  3. Regularly clean your nest boxes. Dirty nest boxes lead to dirty eggs. Nest boxes should be cleaned out once a week to remove dirty litter and manure and replace fresh hay or wood shavings.[7]

  4. Ensure roosting boxes are higher than nest boxes. Sometimes hens will decide to roost in their nest boxes rather than their roosting boxes. This results in the roosting boxes becoming dirtier much more quickly. Avoid this by placing your roosting boxes higher than your nesting boxes, as chickens like to roost in highest place possible in their coop.[7]

  5. Encourage strong shells. Strong shells are less prone to cracking. This is good for two reasons. Number one: you avoid the contents of the cracked egg from coating the other eggs and making them dirty. Number two: you have more eggs! To encourage healthy shells, add oyster shell to the hen's feed. It is available at farm supply stores.[5]


  • Regularly sanitize whatever you use to clean the eggs.

  • The dry cleaning method won't work as well with eggs that have been dirtied by the insides of other broken eggs.[2]

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