
How to Exercise Your Fingers


Have you got some weak fingers? Or do you need to use them for something which requires flexibility? Here is how to get them in shape.

Edit Steps

  1. Warm your fingers up. Like with exercising any other part of your body, warming up is important and should not be overlooked.

    • Massage the top and palm of your hand

    • Bend each finger back until you feel a slight stretching. Then bend each finger forward. Note that this should not be done to the point of pain!

  2. Place one hand flat on a table in front of you, palm down.

    • Lift and lower each finger one by one.

    • Keep your fingers flat on the table. Spread them apart as far as you can, then bring them as close together as possible.

  3. Get a stress ball. Alternatively, crumple up a piece of paper or cloth so it fits comfortably in your grasp. Squeeze the object as hard as you can, then relax.

  4. Touch your thumb to each of your fingertips. Make sure that each touch makes an "O" shape.

  5. Bend the end joint of your finger, keeping all other joints straight. Hold for a moment, then straighten.

  6. Keeping your fist joints straight, bring your fingers in as tightly as you can. Then, open your fingers completely.

  7. Bring your thumb over your palm as far as possible. Stretch it away from your palm as far as possible.

  8. Slap your pinkie, ring finger, and middle finger against your palm.

  9. Hold a Newspaper between your thumb and forefinger. Hold it out from you at arm's length. Using only your fingers, crumple the paper into a ball.

  10. Repeat these steps until fingers and hand become fatigued.

Edit Tips

  • Consider playing a string instrument such as the violin, cello, guitar, viola, bass or double bass.

  • Do this three times a day.

  • Place your fingers down on a piano and without moving the others play each finger on a key 4 times , it will help with finger agility.

  • Do grip strengthening exercises

  • play the guitar whenever you can

  • Try rolling a coin on your knuckles.

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