Have you got some weak fingers? Or do you need to use them for something which requires flexibility? Here is how to get them in shape.
Edit Steps
- Warm your fingers up. Like with exercising any other part of your body, warming up is important and should not be overlooked.
- Massage the top and palm of your hand
- Bend each finger back until you feel a slight stretching. Then bend each finger forward. Note that this should not be done to the point of pain!
- Place one hand flat on a table in front of you, palm down.
- Lift and lower each finger one by one.
- Keep your fingers flat on the table. Spread them apart as far as you can, then bring them as close together as possible.
- Get a stress ball. Alternatively, crumple up a piece of paper or cloth so it fits comfortably in your grasp. Squeeze the object as hard as you can, then relax.
- Touch your thumb to each of your fingertips. Make sure that each touch makes an "O" shape.
- Bend the end joint of your finger, keeping all other joints straight. Hold for a moment, then straighten.
- Keeping your fist joints straight, bring your fingers in as tightly as you can. Then, open your fingers completely.
- Bring your thumb over your palm as far as possible. Stretch it away from your palm as far as possible.
- Slap your pinkie, ring finger, and middle finger against your palm.
- Hold a Newspaper between your thumb and forefinger. Hold it out from you at arm's length. Using only your fingers, crumple the paper into a ball.
- Repeat these steps until fingers and hand become fatigued.
Edit Tips
- Consider playing a string instrument such as the violin, cello, guitar, viola, bass or double bass.
- Do this three times a day.
- Place your fingers down on a piano and without moving the others play each finger on a key 4 times , it will help with finger agility.
- Do grip strengthening exercises
- play the guitar whenever you can
- Try rolling a coin on your knuckles.
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Edit Sources and Citations
- http://www.dannybritt.com/fingers.htm
- Ohio State University Medical Center Handout on Hand and Finger Exercises
- http://www.rockclimbing.com/Articles/Training_and_Technique/Finger_Back_Arm_Strength_18.html