
How to Grow Sarracenia (North American Pitcher Plants)


North American pitcher plants are easy to grow once you know what they need. Since they are carnivorous plants, they'll get all the nutrients they need by catching insects. Restrain your urge to coddle them with fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil, and Sarracenia plants will thrive with minimal care.


EditGrowing Sarracenia Plants

  1. Prepare the growing medium. Just like most carnivorous plants, Sarracenia grows well in a 50/50 mix of peat moss and coarse sand (use 100% silica sand with no added minerals - this can usually be found at pool supply stores). Perlite is an excellent substitute for sand if you can not find any.
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    • Peat moss that includes fertilizer can kill your Sarracenia plants, so be very careful which brand you choose! Make sure it doesn't say there is any additives.
    • Horticultural or aquatic sands work well - do not use play sand! Again, silica sand is the safest bet.
  2. Rinse the growing medium with distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. This removes potentially toxic minerals, along with nutrients that can attract pests and algae. Try the following rinsing method:[1]
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    • Place peat moss in a bucket and cover with tap water. Stir with your hand, then squeeze to wring out water. Transfer to second bucket and repeat two or three times with distilled water or rainwater.
    • Place sand in a bucket or tray outdoors, to avoid clogging plumbing. Blast sand with hose until submerged, then drain out water. Repeat 10–20 times or until water is mostly clear, then rinse a final time with distilled water or rainwater.
  3. Provide full sunlight. These plants naturally grow in nutrient poor soil, where few other plants can compete with them for light. Most pitcher plants will even have trouble growing under artificial lights or on a sunny windowsill. Keep them in an outdoor location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Try the south side of your house if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, or the north side if you're in the Southern Hemisphere.
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    • Sarracenia Purpurea, Rosea, Psittacina, and some of their hybrids can grow decently well on a sunny windowsill or in a terrarium; however, make sure you know the dormancy needs.full sun. Every few days, move it to an area that receives slightly more sun or put it outside for an hour longer each day.
  4. Find a low-mineral water source. Most tap water contains too many dissolved minerals and salts, which can build up over time and kill the plant. For best results, use collected rainwater, reverse osmosis water or distilled water.
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    • Avoid "spring water," which may contain harmful additives.
    • If you have a water testing kit, check that your water contains fewer than 100ppm minerals, and no chlorine or heavy metals. If your tap water meets these standards, it might be safe. Reduce risk by rinsing the watering tray periodically.
  5. Provide plenty of water. All species of Sarracenia respond well to the tray method of watering. Place the pot in a large tray or trough, and pour in water. As a general rule, as long as the water is below the crown of the plant (the base of the stem), they should be fine.
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    • Some species have specific requirements concerning the amount water. Try to find species-specific information if you suspect water-related problems.
  6. Apply fertilizer with caution. Fertilizer can just as easily kill your pitcher plants as help them. Light fertilizing for the first two or three years can improve growth, but experiment at your own risk. Try burying just four grains of balanced (14-14-14) slow-release fertilizer ½ cm (0.2 inches) beneath the surface, at the start of the growing season. Or you can get something such as seaweed fertilizer (like Maxsea 16-16-16) and dilute it 1/4 tsp per gallon and put it inside the pitchers... All the way up to the top!
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  7. Feed indoor plants. Outdoor pitcher plants are adept at catching their own meals. Feed indoor plants dehydrated phoenix worms, or meal worms during the growing season. About one worm per trap per month should be enough, but this may vary based on size and species. Bloodworms can also be used.
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    • Outdoor pitcher plants, especially upright pitchers, may even find too much food, and topple over from the weight of the insects! If this starts to happen, stick a cotton ball in the mouth of the pitcher until it's had time to digest.

EditCaring for Dormant Sarracenia

  1. Understand dormancy. All Sarracenia go through an annual dormancy period. Growth will stop, and some or all of the traps will brown and die. This is triggered by colder temperatures and shorter days. It usually lasts at least 3 months.
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    • Indoor plants may not go dormant on their own. Trigger dormancy in late autumn by moving them to a cold garage or basement. In some cases, if no other option is available, you can place them in the fridge for the required time.
  2. Reduce water and food. During this period, the plants require considerably less water. Allow them to partially dry out before topping up the water. Stop feeding completely until the spring. Never add fertilizer to a dormant plant.
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  3. Trim away dead traps in the spring. Before new growth appears in spring, usually in February or March, trim away the dead, brown traps. Apart from aesthetic reasons, this reduces the chance of mold and insects. For upright species, including flava and alata, trim the traps right down to the rhizome, so the rhizome can photosynthesize.
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    • For best results, look up your individual species or hybrid to check for different pruning requirements.
    • Some species have traps that can last up to two years, including psittacina, purperea, rosea, and some of their hybrids. There may be a second die-off in late summer, which also requires trimming.
  4. Bring them indoors during extreme temperatures. Most Saracenia are pretty forgiving when it comes to temperature, and will usually survive outdoor winters in zones 5-9, even if covered in snow. Consider bringing them indoors if temperature drops below -6.7ºC (+20ºF), or during an early or late frost. Species native to Florida or Gulf of Mexico, including psittacina and rosea, should be taken indoors if the temperature drops below freezing.
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    • Plants can withstand low temperatures more effectively if protected from wind and kept near the house, rather than on an exposed deck or open area.
    • Keep indoor plants dormant by storing them in an unheated garage or shed, with temperatures below 13ºC (55ºF).



  • You can grow pitcher plants in a bog garden.
  • Winter or EARLY spring is the best time of year to repot your plants and make divisions for trading or gifting.


  • Boiling water will make minerals more concentrated, not less.
  • Nurseries do occasionally mislabel their plants. If your pitcher plant is having trouble, try to identify the species. The related pitcher plant Darlingtonia californica or "cobra lily" can be mistaken for Sarracenia, but is much more difficult to care for.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

Sarracenia Proboards. Flytrap Forums. Terra Forums.

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