
How to Make an American Flag Lapel Pin


This is a cheap and fun way to show festivity on the fourth of July or any other day!


  1. Gather all of the the materials you will need.

  2. String the beads one by one on the first pin to make the first "column" of the American Flag. We'll be working on columns since they pins will be hung vertically.

  3. Do the same with the rest of the pins according to the diagram at the top of the steps section, so that each pin represents one column of the flag.

  4. Make sure the safety pins are all closed after adding the beads, so they don't fall off.

  5. With the last remaining pin (that has no beads on it) attach all the other pins in order to make the American flag!


  • You can get different color beads and make different flags, or other pins.


  • Be careful with the safety pins.

  • Do not leave beads out.

EditThings You'll Need

  • 12 safety pins

  • A lot of small beads (red, white, and blue)

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