
How to Hashtag on Facebook


Including hashtags in your Facebook posts will make your content easier to find when searched by other users who share the same interests. Hashtags on Facebook work in nearly the same manner as they do on Twitter, and when clicked on, will take you to a feed of public posts that contain the same hashtag. The hashtag feature is now accessible to most Facebook users, and will appear as clickable links in your timeline and throughout Facebook.


EditUsing Hashtags on Facebook

  1. Log on to Facebook’s website.

  2. Click on the “Home” link at the upper right corner to access your Facebook profile.

  3. Type your post into the “Update Status” field.

  4. Type a “#” sign followed by the topic or phrase you want added to your post. All words in the phrase must be written as one word, such as “#ILoveWikiHow.”[1]

    • Hashtags can contain numbers and letters, but do not support the use of punctuation such as commas, exclamation points, asterisks, etc.[2]

  5. Optional: Consider making your post public if you want people who aren't on your friends list to find the hashtag.

  6. Click on “Post” after you have finished typing your post and hashtag. The hashtag you created will now display as a clickable link, which you and other Facebook users can now use to search for related posts on Facebook.

EditUsing Hashtags Appropriately

  1. Use hashtags that are relevant to your posts. The purpose of using hashtags is to connect with other users who share the same interests. If you post hashtags that are off-topic just for the sake of grabbing more attention, other users may find your content spammy.

  2. Be as specific as possible when using certain hashtags. This practice will help other users narrow down their search when seeking users with similar interests. For example, if you are posting an update about basketball, use hashtags such as “#basketball” or “#NBA” instead of a vague or general hashtag such as “sports.”

  3. Use hashtags that are currently trending as popular topics. After clicking on any hashtag within Facebook, a list of trending hashtags will display to the far right. Using trending hashtags in your posts will generate more exposure for your content.

  4. Develop your own unique hashtag to stand out from other users. If you have a special unique interest or run the Facebook account for your business or organization, you can develop a hashtag that is unique to your cause or industry to stand out from your competitors.


  • When using hashtags that contain multiple words, capitalize the first letter in every word to make the phrase easier to read. For example, “#WikiHowSavedMyLife.”[3]

  • Use the search feature in Facebook to search for content that interests you based on hashtags. For example, if you want to search for posts and updates about the olympics, type “#olympics” into the search field.

  • If you want to generate more activity for your Facebook page or profile, develop a unique hashtag and offer an incentive for other users who post updates using that particular hashtag. This practice can be especially useful for businesses or companies that are offering special promotions.

  • Include hashtags in your posts when using Facebook on your mobile device to broaden your outreach. Hashtags are currently not clickable on Facebook through your mobile device, but are still visible to desktop users.


  • Try to avoid using more than 2 or 3 hashtags in each Facebook post. Excessive hashtag use may appear spammy to most users, especially if you are trying to promote yourself or your business.

EditSources and Citations

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