
How to Completely Remove an iPhone App from Your Apple Cloud with iTunes


Every iOS user should already know how to install an app, but when it comes to removing them not only from their device but from their Cloud account too (to make them as if they were able to be newly installed), that gets tricky. This article can guide you to make this process less tricky.


  1. Open up iTunes on your computer to the iTunes store webpage. Don't just browse the iTunes store through your web browser. You must be able to access the store through iTunes itself.

  2. Click on the App Store tab from the tab at the top of the webpage that is displayed.

  3. Look for and click the "Purchased" option from the Quick Links section of the page. The Quick Links section can be found to the right of the main section of the page.

  4. Locate the button option/tab that indicates the type of device the app is already installed on. It will automatically default to an iPhone, however, you also have an iPad choice from the top bar of the webpage that is displayed.

  5. Find and hover over the application you'd like to remove. You'll see an X button appear at the top left corner of that particular app.

  6. Click the X button and wait.

  7. Look at the page after a few seconds. You'll notice this app should now be no longer on the list.

  8. Turn on and remove that particular app from all your devices that run iOS.


  • Don't try to completely remove an app that was an app you paid real money for. If you removed it, when you try to install it, you'll have to pay a second time for the app. Be careful. Try to do this with Free apps only.

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