
How to Feed a Baby or Infant Solid Food


Baby's growing up, and is ready for solid baby food! But are you prepared? Do you suddenly find yourself face-to-face with your first babysitting experience feeding a baby? Here is some help!


EditKnowing when baby is ready

  1. Start when baby is ready. It is generally recommended that babies consume only formula or breast milk until about four to six months.[1] Don't press solid food too early, as it has been linked to food allergies and even eating disorders.[2] It can be time for solids if your baby displays the following signs:[3]

    • Baby is able to sit by his or her self or can sit with some support.

    • Baby's weight has doubled.

    • Baby can turn his or her head away from you if you try to do something unpleasant to the face (like wiping a runny nose).

    • Baby shows interest in others eating.

    • Baby shows signs of hunger even after 8 oz/236ml of milk.

    • Baby can show signs of fullness by turning away the head or not opening the mouth, perhaps pushing away with hands.

    For absolute reassurance if you're feeling uncertain, check with your child's doctor regarding what foods to introduce and when.

EditSetting up a suitable feeding environment

  1. Use a feeding chair. A high chair is ideal, but in a pinch you can use a car seat. Have the baby sit in your lap only in desperation, because this position is awkward and will leave you messy. Be careful that the seat is set up safely and the baby secured properly.

  2. Spread out a drop cloth to catch spills. Commercial messy-mats are available, but a shower curtain, a painter's drop-cloth, a garbage bag, or chair mat will also work. Or, simply be prepared to sweep and mop the floor after.

  3. Get a bowl or two. You will usually need one bowl for cereal, and one for a "side dish". Generally, choose unbreakable bowls, because babies tend to grab and drop everything. Be sure any dish used is clean and safe.

    • You may wish to be careful about choosing containers made from #7 plastic due to concerns about its bisphenol A (BPA) content, which is thought to be able to leach into food and drink and may be a form of endocrine disruptor.[4] Wide scale concern was expressed as to this type of plastic container in the late 2000s, although the research done thus far has not convinced major government food safety authorities as to its lack of safety.[4] Since babies' immune systems are developing, many people prefer to err on the side of precaution and many products now voluntarily state that they are BPA-free. Or, you can prefer glass over plastic or simply avoid heating anything edible or drinkable in a plastic container.

  4. Use a baby spoon. Regular tablespoons or dessert spoons can be hard on little baby gums. Baby spoons have a protective covering. Some are color-changing to indicate unsafe temperature. Either way, this should also be very clean.

  5. Have towels handy. Whether you use paper, or cloth, have some on hand. Babies get messy.

  6. Use a cup. Babies on solid food need some liquid. Find out if the baby prefers using a sipper cup or a plastic cup (or you can simply make this choice for the baby). Use clean, filtered water, or juice diluted by half.

    • Do not get the baby too used to juice; keep it to a minimum, as it is sugar-filled and can harm growing teeth.

EditChoosing the first solids

  1. Wash your hands. Wash your hands before preparing or serving food.

  2. Pick a finger food. If you have an older baby, choose an approved "finger food" like rice crackers, meat sticks, and the like. This can also be an "appetizer" as you are preparing other food.

  3. Pick a cereal. Even experienced babies should have cereal at least for one meal––it's one of the most nutritious solid baby foods available. The cereal should be the central "entree" (main part of the meal).

    • Experienced babies will usually eat a variety of grains: oatmeal, barley, or rice. Prepare as per directions.

    • You can add a little bit of baby food for flavor, or pureed fruit or vegetable.

    • For a first-time feeding, rice cereal, mixed with formula or breast milk, is the typically recommended food.

    • For the novice, be sure it is very liquid for easy swallowing.

    • Always check the temperature of any warmed-up food before feeding the baby.

  4. Choose baby food. Experienced babies usually will have some sort of prepared baby food. On commercial baby foods, the jar often will indicate the appropriate age level. If you choose to heat the food, be sure it is a safe temperature.

  5. Avoid using contaminated or expired food. Check lids for airtight seal on unopened containers. Check expiration date for commercial foods. Rinse the container if possible. If feeding food from a jar or container, only do so if the food will not be saved. If not, pour a serving into a bowl, cover, and refrigerate the leftovers. Otherwise, the baby's saliva and dirty spoon can introduce bacteria and viruses into reused food. Use all food within 48 hours.

EditFeeding baby

  1. Put a bib on baby. The bigger, the better. For feeding you may want to have something waterproof to prevent liquids from soaking the clothes under the bib.

  2. Start feeding. An experienced hungry baby will usually open his or her mouth to indicate where to put the spoon. Take a spoonful of food, and feed baby. Wait until baby has swallowed before offering more food. A baby just starting on solids will eat only about a tablespoon, so don't expect more than a few bites.

  3. Offer liquids. Every 5-10 bites, offer the cup. Bring the cup gently to lips if necessary, and give a sip or two. This is often very messy.

  4. Watch for grabbing hands. Curious babies will tend to grab at everything in arm's reach, including the food bowl, spoon, cup, and even you. A baby will also delight in watching things drop (hence why you need either unbreakable utensils or a very soft landing).

  5. Let baby help. Older babies can often feed themselves. Less experienced babies may hold onto the spoon or cup while you feed them. Encourage them to "help" even if it's messy as long as it is not becoming difficult to feed.

  6. Know when enough is enough. If the baby is turning the head away, whimpering, crying, pushing away the spoon, or throwing food, he or she is probably done. Either remove baby from feeding area, or offer a toy or other distraction (like a clean spoon, or plastic cup or bowl) as you finish the clean-up.

  7. Record the feeding, if wished. Many parents will record what was eaten, when, and how much. A log book, calendar, or the like is useful. This is helpful for keeping an eye on possible food allergens, keeping multiple babies organized, and monitoring special dietary needs. However, it can also be just one extra task in an already very busy day of caring for your baby, so it's no biggie if you don't want to or can't find the time for it; not every person enjoys maintaining such minutiae and others simply have good memories and rely on that instead.

  8. Clean up. Clean baby with the towels, especially face and hands. Use warm, not hot, water. Prepare dishware and containers for washing. Clean the high chair area with mild detergent and water. Prepare cloth towels, bib, and any soiled clothing for the laundry.


  • Not sure what the baby likes? Typical favorites are applesauce, banana and carrots.

  • Look for an appropriate cleaner for furniture or carpet if you are feeding a baby near those materials. Keep it in stock and don't delay in treating spots or you will have permanent stains. If possible, cover these areas with old towels, sheets, and the like when feeding the baby.

  • If your dining area is carpeted or if you have fabric chairs you may also consider treating the area with Scotchguard or other similar fabric protector. Babies seem to have incredible aim and the ability to get the most staining food on the most valuable of fabrics.

  • Keep a damp towel handy and wipe any flung foods and little messes as you can. You'll have less clean up when you're done. You may still have a lot of cleaning after but it does help when you get to food spills before it dries or hardens.

  • Invest in a stain pre-treatment spray like Zout or Spray and Wash to treat clothes and washable curtains.

  • Tired of the "Dropsie Game"? Babies like to drop objects from their high chair and see what happens. This is a universal baby game that is endlessly educational and amusing for baby, but also annoying for the adults. This game can end up very messily, with a cranky child (who now wants the bowl of mush), obese pets, and irritated parent. There's no known "cure" for this dilemma, but keeping aware of where things are, offering appropriate toys to drop, not trying to feed a full baby, and above all, patience helps.

  • Always check that baby is secured safely in a high chair. Never leave baby unattended in the high chair.

  • Really messy food? If it's warm enough, you can strip the baby down to the diaper and feed him or her without getting more clothes dirty. It's sometimes easier just to bathe the baby afterwards rather than try to wipe them clean.

  • If you are babysitting, consult the parent on what's on the menu.

  • Is baby crying but still opening his or her mouth to eat? You may be feeding too slowly. It may be time for a diaper change. Check to see if any straps are pinching. It also may be the baby is missing mommy, is tired, or frustrated about something.


  • Babies without any teeth should not be fed any food other than baby food.

  • When feeding Cheerios or other round oat cereal to a baby without teeth, break them in pieces first.

  • Avoid high-allergy foods unless you know the baby is familiar with the food: strawberries, wheat, and egg.

  • Babies under 1 should not have honey or peanuts.

  • Check with your medical provider about what foods to first feed your baby.

  • Be aware of choking hazards, such as feeding a baby food that's too advanced, and foods like nuts, hot dogs, and grapes.

  • Never leave a baby alone in a high chair.

  • Always check that a high chair has no recalls due to safety concerns.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Baby food (depending on age and nutritional needs: cereal, solid food, finger foods).

  • High chair

  • Baby Spoon

  • Shatter-resistant bowls

  • Drop cloth

  • Paper or cloth towels

  • Bib

  • Warm water

  • Dish soap

  • Broom, dustpan, vacuum, or dog for cleaning up dropped finger food

  • Microwave or other food-heating method

  • Calendar or log book, writing instrument

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