
How to Set up Indoor Photography Lights


If you are creating an indoor studio, whether temporary or permanent, you will need to have a good and consistent setup so that you know what you will be getting when you take the photographs. Read here to get an understanding of what you need to do.

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  1. Have the recommended minimum of 3 three lights. You will get the best effect, if you do. Having said that, if you don't, make adjustments, such as your lights and the window, and you can use your wall and ceiling as a reflectors for the light you do have. The lights are the main light, fill light, and the hair or rim light.

  2. To start with, set the key light behind or beside the camera, to the right (subject's left). This is assuming that the key light will be off camera. If it is on its own tripod. The main light adds definition and highlight to the subject

  3. Add the fill light. The fill light is a less powerful light that helps fill in some of the shadows without blowing out parts of the photograph. Set it up directly in front of the subject. Make sure that:

    • It is aimed lower than the main light.

    • It is positioned lower than the main light.

    • Use less fill light if you want more shadows.

    • Make sure that it is less powerful than the main light.

  4. Set up the hair light. The hair light (also called backlighting or rim lighting), separates the background from the subject and helps bring it out. If you have a light background or want the subject to blend in with the background, don't use it.

    • You can set up the rim lighting above or below the subject, depending on how you want the effect.

  5. Once all the lights are set up, start moving them around. Move them closer and further away from the subject to see which result you get.

  6. Experiment with how much power your flash is using. Full power, versus 1/4 power, etc.

  7. As well as changing the distance of the lights, work on the angles. Try them lower and higher.

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Edit Things You'll Need

  • Tripods

  • Off camera light sources

  • Modifiers

    • Reflectors

    • Diffusers

    • Soft box (optional)

  • Triggers for your remote flashes

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