
How to Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. While there is no surefire way of preventing prostate cancer, there are a number of things you can do to keep your body in tip-top condition and reduce your chances of developing the disease, even if it runs in your family. Here's how.

Edit Steps

Edit Part One: Making Lifestyle Choices

  1. Understand the risk factors. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in men, and the second most common cancer overall, after lung cancer. With prostate cancer, it is important to be aware of the risk factors that increase your chance of developing the disease.

    • Age: Prostate cancer is most common among men over 50 years of age. It is relatively rare in younger men, but the risk increases with age.

    • Family history: Men with a history of prostate cancer in their family -- whether its their father, brother or uncle -- have an increased chance of developing the disease themselves.

    • Race: There is a higher rate of prostate cancer in African-American men than white men, and in African-American men the disease is more likely to be fatal.

    • Hormones: How your body produces testosterone can influence the development of prostate cancer. If too much testosterone in your body is converted into DHT (a hormone that is necessary in healthy amounts) it can cause your prostate to become enlarged, thus increasing the risk of cancer.[1]

  2. Exercise frequently. Studies have shown that men who are physically active and get regular exercise are at reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. Some studies also indicate that the risk decreases further the more vigorous the exercise.[2]

    • Aerobic exercise is the best type of exercise for disease prevention, as it has all sorts of health benefits including improved circulation, a healthier immune system and increased energy levels.

    • Examples of aerobic exercise include running, swimming, mountain biking, dancing, spinning and rowing. Find an aerobic activity that you enjoy and you'll be much more inclined to stick to it.

    • You should also make an effort to become more physically active in your day-to-day life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away from work or use a standing desk instead of a seated one.

    • It is recommended that you try to engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.[3]

  3. Maintain a healthy body weight. Obese men are at greater risk of developing prostate cancer than men with a healthy body weight.[2]

    • If you have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30, you are considered to be obese. If this is the case, you should reduce your weight to a healthy level through a combination of healthy diet and exercise.[4]

    • Consult with your doctor to come up with a healthy diet plan to ensure that you lose weight at a healthy, yet effective rate. Some weight loss tips include eating less processed foods and consuming more fruit, veg and whole grains, reducing portion sizes and eating from smaller plates, eating more slowly and refraining from eating for at least three hours before bed.

    • If you are already at a healthy weight, make an effort to maintain it through regular exercise and healthy eating.

  4. Be careful with supplements. There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding what supplements can be taken to prevent the risk of prostate cancer. As a general rule, taking a supplement will not have any great impact on preventing or increasing your chances of developing the disease. However, you should be careful with the following:

    • Vitamin E: Studies conducted to test the effects of vitamin E supplements (taken in combination with selenium supplements) on prostate cancer risk found that vitamin E actually increased the risk of prostate cancer and continued to do so even after the men stopped taking the supplements.[2]

    • Folic acid: Folic acid is a synthetic form of B vitamin found in many multivitamins and supplements. One ten-year study found that men who took 1mg of folic acid per day were at increased risk of developing prostate cancer. However, folate (which is a B vitamin naturally found in green vegetables and legumes) has been shown to lower the risk.[1]

    • Zinc: When taken in recommended amounts, the mineral zinc can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, an excess or deficiency of zinc can have the opposite effect, and increase the risk instead. Therefore, you should have your zinc levels tested before taking a supplement.[5]

  5. Have more sex. Studies have found that men who have sex/masturbate five or more times a week reduce their chances of developing prostate cancer before the age of 70 by 34%.[6]

    • Scientists believe that the reason for this is that built-up seminal fluid contains carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances, which are flushed out during ejaculation.

    • According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 12 ejaculations per month are necessary to provide any kind of protection against prostate cancer.[7]

  6. See your doctor. Men, especially those over the age of 50, should see their doctor if they believe they may be at risk of developing prostate cancer.

    • If your doctor believes you are high-risk, he/she may put you on medication that can reduce the risk of cancer developing by limiting prostate growth. Two such medications currently in use are finasteride and dutasteride.[2]

    • Your doctor can then perform a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test to determine whether a biopsy is necessary. This is the first step in early detection, which is a major advantage in any form of cancer treatment.[6]

Edit Part Two: Making Dietary Changes

  1. Follow a low-fat diet. Eating foods with a high fat content - such as red meat, dairy products, oils and nuts - has been associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer.

    • A study conducted by the Harvard school of public health found that men who ate high quantities of fat (almost 90g per day) were nearly twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as men who consumed lower quantities of fat (less than 55g per day).[8]

    • Therefore, it is a good idea to reduce your fat intake. You can do this by using less oil/butter i your cooking, opting for lower fat animal products such as turkey or fish over red meat, and by choosing low or reduced-fat options at the supermarket.[4]

  2. Eat oily fish. Oily fish such as tuna, salmon, trout and sardines contain high quantities of fatty acid known as Omega-3.

    • Consuming healthy quantities of Omega-3 as part of your daily diet has been shown to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.[4]

    • If fish doesn't float your boat you can also get substantial quantities of Omega-3 from flaxseed, which can be found in flour, meal and seed form.[7]

  3. Consume more fruit and veg. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables should be part of any healthy diet, as these natural foods contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals. However, there are some specific fruit and veg which have been linked with a lower risk of developing prostate cancer:

    • Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain high quantities of an antioxidant compound called lycopene, which has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. Lycopene absorption is optimized when the tomatoes are cooked, with oil, before eating.

    • Broccoli: Broccoli is a type of cruciferous vegetable which contains phytochemicals that work to eliminate carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) in the body. As a result, eating broccoli -- along with other cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and bok choi) can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.[5]

  4. Eat less dairy. Studies indicate that the consumption of dairy products may be linked with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

    • While this was initially believed to be caused by the high saturated fat content in dairy products, new studies have shown that that calcium may be a more important factor.[8]

    • You can reduce your calcium intake by cutting down on or even eliminating dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Choose soy-based alternatives instead.

  5. Cut down on red meat. Eating large amounts of animal protein, red meat in particular, has been linked with an increased risk of prostate cancer.

    • This is because the consumption of red meat leads to higher quantities of IGF-1 and choline in the body, and both of these substances have been linked with prostate cancer.

    • Try to limit your intake of red meat to two servings a week or less, and choose leaner cuts of meat when grocery shopping.[5]

  6. Drink red wine. Red wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol which is believed to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

    • As a result, drinking a small glass or two of red wine a day could help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    • Just be sure not to drink more than this recommended amount (at least not regularly) as the alcohol may neutralize any beneficial effects.[6]

  7. Use the power of herbs. Researchers at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York have found that a particular blend of herbs, sold as Zyflamend, can reduce the cell growth of prostate cancer.

    • This herb blend contains herbs such as rosemary, ginger and oregano, and has been shown to reduce cell growth by up to 78%.

    • Another herb blend that is has also shown positive results is called FBL 101. Ask your doctor about these herbal treatments.[6]

  8. Drink green tea. Research has shown that men who regularly drink green tea (which is packed with antioxidants) are at a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer.[4]

    • Try drinking at least one cup of green tea a day, or take a green tea supplement.

  9. Eat more soy products. It is believed that a nutrient known as isoflavones found in soy products can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    • You can increase your soy intake by drinking soy milk and by eating tofu - a meat substitute made from soy beans.

    • Other sources of isoflavones include peanuts and legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans.[4]

  10. Consume alcohol in moderation. Although there is no conclusive proof that alcohol increases the risk of developing prostate cancer, one study found that there was a higher rate of prostate cancer among men who drank several glasses of alcohol a day over many years.[4]

    • If you do drink, try to limit yourself to two standard drinks per day.

Edit Tips

  • Consult a chiropractor for low back adjustments, which can help to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Edit Warnings

  • If you are experiencing thigh pain on both sides, you need to see a doctor ASAP, as this may be an indication of prostate cancer.

Edit Sources and Citations

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