
How to Stop Hyperventilating


Hyperventilation is medically defined as overbreathing, or breathing in excess of what the body needs. It is usually identified by symptoms of rapid, deep breathing, and is typically brought about by panic or anxiety attacks due to extreme stress or excitement. It can also be voluntarily induced (by taking many deep breaths), or be caused by the medical condition metabolic acidosis. Although the experience of hyperventilating may feel terrifying and may cause the individual to panic even further, there are ways on how to deal with and control hyperventilation.

Edit Steps

  1. Know the symptoms of hyperventilation. They may include one or more of the following:[1]

    • Belching

    • Bloating

    • Chest pain

    • Confusion

    • Dizziness

    • Dry mouth

    • Lightheadedness

    • Muscle spasms in hands and feet

    • Numbness and tingling in the arms or around the mouth

    • Palpitations

    • Shortness of breath

    • Sleep disturbances

    • Weakness.

Method 1: Without a Paper Bag

  1. Practice diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing[2] either while standing or lying on the floor with your knees bent.

    • Put one hand on your stomach below your ribs and the other on your chest.

    • Breathe in through your nose deeply. Let the air push your stomach out, but keep your chest still.

    • Exhale through pursed lips, and use the hand on your stomach to help push the air out slowly. Repeat 3-10 times and take your time breathing in and out.

  2. Slowly count up to 7 while you inhale deeply, and slowly start counting up to 12 while you exhale. If this proves to be difficult, count up to 4 and 7 respectively while you inhale and exhale deeply.

  3. Purse your lips in the same manner as with whistling, and breathe out of your mouth. You can also pinch one nostril closed and breathe through your other nostril. Since air movement and oxygen intake will be limited, the hyperventilation symptoms will be more likely to decrease.

Method 2: Paper Bag Method

  1. Hold a paper bag over your mouth and nose with your hand.

  2. Take six to twelve natural breaths into the bag. When your breathing feels under control, take the paper bag away and you should be able to breathe normally again.

  3. If it doesn't go away, try alternating with diaphragmatic breathing until you can breathe normally again.

Method 3: Chewy Sweet Method

  1. Put a chewy sweet in your mouth. You can use any kind.

  2. Chew it once and then breath out slowly.

  3. Chew it again and then breath in slowly.

  4. Repeat.

Method 4: Helping Someone Else Who is Hyperventilating[3]

  1. Notice that a person may be hyperventilating. This should be evident from rapid breathing, as well as any of the symptoms outlined at the beginning of the article.

  2. Reassure the person who appears to be hyperventilating. Seek to calm the person with reassurances that things will be okay and that you are there to support them.

  3. Sit down next to the person. Stay with the person.

  4. Ask the person to take breathe more slowly. Ask also that the person take deep breaths.

  5. Ask the person to follow your lead with breathing. Demonstrate slow, deep breathing.

  6. Call for help if you think that the hyperventilation is not improving.

    • If the person collapses, check for breathing and place them in the stable side position. Monitor their well-being until the ambulance arrives.

Edit Tips

  • If the hyperventilation is being caused by frequent panic and anxiety attacks, consider seeing a psychologist to help you understand and find treatment for your condition.

  • Mind over matter -- try to restrict the excess breathing, take deep, steady breaths, until you slowly regain natural breathing. Remember, panicking even more will not improve the situation.

  • Practice meditation and relaxation techniques. Doing so would greatly reduce the occurrences of hyperventilation episodes in the future.

  • If you don't have a paper bag, you can try cupping your hands instead.

  • Sit down and stay calm. If you can, have a companion reassure you with lines such as "You are doing fine, relax", or say these lines yourself.

Edit Warnings

  • Do not use a plastic bag or something that could cause choking.

  • If the hyperventilation symptoms have been present for a considerable length of time (more than 30 minutes), or if they are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or losing the feeling in your legs, seek medical attention immediately.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • A paper bag

  • A chewy sweet, any type will do

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